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The Guidelines on Best Dog Food

By Melissa Fielden
Are you a dog lover? Do you want to ensure that your dog will be healthy? Healthy dogs have healthy skin and coat, strong well-developed bones, clear bright eyes and firmer stools. If you want this for your dog, then you have to find the best dog food for your pet.

A dog that is always in good shape eats healthily, so it is just right that you feed him the best dog food available. If you want to know on how to find the best dog food that will aid your dog's overall health and body development, this is for you. This article will help you discern what to look for in a dog food according to the accounts of dog lovers and experts who shared their knowledge an experience for this article.

Here are the types of dog food, by understanding the types of dog food, you may be able to try them and find the best dog food that fits your dog's needs.

Commercial Dog Food

Even though commercially sold dog foods claim that they are the best in the market, their flashy advertising does not guarantee that they are. Researchers have shown that some commercial dog foods do not measure up to the quality standards and some even have chemicals that can be hazardous to your dogs. In fact there have been incidents of dog food recalls in 2007 and 2008.

In choosing the dog food for your pet, you have to look at the label. Ensure that you are not buying dog food that is mostly made of grains and fillers. You have to be sure that the commercial dog food you are purchasing is of good quality and manufactured by reputable dog food makers.

You can also ask your vet for recommendations. They are very knowledgeable of dog's nutrition needs and they can give you tips about this matter. Sometimes vets will recommend combination of commercial dog foods and other types of feeds to ensure that your dog gets what he needs.

Raw Dog Food

The raw dog food type is rapidly increasing in popularity. This is because some pet owners and dog experts suggest that a dog will be healthier if he is fed with what dogs eat in the wild during the old times. This has led many into thinking that this really is the most natural diet for dogs. Raw dog food include raw meat and bones, since some dog owners say that dogs are more acclimated in consuming meat they believe that raw meat will make the dogs stronger and leaner.

Raw dog food is therefore recommended. However, it is necessary that you use fresh raw dog food to ensure that your dog will not suffer from eating rotten food.

If you decide to adapt this kind of diet, it is important that you only feed your dog fresh meat. This is to minimize the risks of food poisoning and infections rooted from rotten meat.

Homemade dog food

If you are looking ways to cut off some expenses, homemade dog food is a cheaper alternative to commercially sold dog food. You can research on dog food recipes that will fulfill your dog's nutritional needs. Making your own dog food have a wide variety of benefits, one of these benefits is that you can be sure that what he eats is chemical and filler free.

There are dog food recipes you can choose from. Try them and look at how you dog accept those recipes. The best dog food combination will be to give him mostly homemade dog food, with occasional raw dog food tossed on him. If you can afford, feed him occasional commercial dog food just for variety. You however need to be sure that you read the label before you give him commercial dog food.

Are you looking for more information about dog food? Then visit Melissa Fielden's site on how to choose the best dog food for your dog.

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